Sail the Nile in Style with : Dahabiya and Felucca Adventures Await!

Introduction: Ready for a journey where history and luxury meet? With, embark on a sailing adventure like no other. Specialising in luxurious dahabiya and felucca trips along the Nile, we offer a blend of comfort and tradition that transforms your trip from Luxor to Aswan—or vice versa—into a breathtaking exploration of Egypt. Discover temples, […]

Stargazing with the Pharaohs: Discover the Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Astronomy

Did you know the ancient Egyptians were some of the earliest and most precise stargazers in history? Long before telescopes or even the idea of space travel, they were mapping the stars and aligning their monumental structures with astonishing accuracy. For the Egyptians, the heavens weren’t just a backdrop—they were a cosmic map guiding both […]

Desenterrando los Misterios del Recientemente Descubierto “Libro de los Muertos” de Cuero

Justo cuando pensábamos que el antiguo Egipto ya no podía sorprendernos más, los arqueólogos han hecho un descubrimiento extraordinario: un “Libro de los Muertos” escrito en cuero. Este hallazgo es notable no solo por el material utilizado, sino también por los nuevos conocimientos que ofrece sobre las creencias y prácticas de los antiguos egipcios. Primero, […]